
The Handover

The Handover

The Vehicle Handover Process

We’re not only a 5* company for just our products but also for our customer service as well along with our installations. This page is all about what to expect on the big day!

Arriving at Carbonwurks is much more than just bringing your car to a workshop or garage but something that we feel is more of an experience. We don’t just take your keys and rush your car into the workshop but rather spend some time with you, the car and go through what we’ll be doing.

Step 1 – The Handover

We want you to feel part of the process and that you know your car is being looked after whilst it’s with us.

  • When you arrive at Carbonwurks you’ll be greeted outside by one of our friendly team members, typically the technician who will be working on your car.
  • They will take the time to walk through the plan of action with your vehicle in terms of the parts, the fitting and the time that will be required to work on your vehicle.
  • As part of the handover process, your technician will walk-round the vehicle to ensure there are no noticeable dings, dents or scratches. If anything is picked up then we’ll advise you and report it on the vehicle inspection report.
  • As part of the walk-round we’ll also take photos of the exterior and interior of the vehicle of it’s current condition.
  • Once this is done, we’ll get you to sign over the car and confirm you’re happy with how the vehicle is being handed over.

Step 2 – Preparation

The majority of the services we provide will involve us having contact with the vehicle. We want to ensure that your vehicle is handed back looking it’s best and in most instances we’ll need to clean area’s of the vehicle prior to us starting work. If you can have your car arrive with us in as clean condition as possible (weather depending!), this helps us reduce the time we need to spend on your car.

  • Depending on the work we’ll either use a “Waterless Wash” system on single panels or if multiple / larger areas are being worked on then we’ll quickly jet wash your vehicle and air dry to remove any dirt or debris on the vehicle.
  • Once the car is in the workshop we’ll then use special automotive protective wrap or bumper / wing covers to protect any larger panel areas from the possibility of scratching whilst we’re working

If you require a more involved maintenance wash whilst we have your vehicle than you can see our range of detailing services here.

Step 3 – Installation

This is where we get to shine and do what we do best. Fitting the new parts to your vehicle!

  • Whilst we’re doing this, you’re welcome to stay in our lounge. We have free Wi-Fi as well a selection of cold and hot drinks as well as snacks to keep you going.
  • If your vehicle is in more than a few hours then it’s worth visiting our “What To Do” page for some ideas on things in the local area to do and visit.

Please note: For VAG based vehicles we will scan the vehicle prior to commencing any work to check for any faults already logged within the system. We’ll soon be doing this for other brands in the coming months.

Step 4 – The Hand Back

Much like when you arrive we’ll go through the same things as before so you’re getting your car back just how you gave it to us, just with the new additions!

  • We’ll do a quick walk-round the vehicle again showing what’s been installed and how we went about it.
  • If we came up against any difficulties or issues important for you to know these will be discussed.
  • We’ll take a second set of pictures so we know how the vehicle is leaving us.
  • You’ll be asked to sign your vehicle report sheet and also our iPad based system to confirm you’re happy with the works that have been completed.

All of your vehicle images, documents and scans will be uploaded to your customer file for future reference to what we’ve done